Town of Pine Bluffs

Pine Bluffs, WY


Step back into the year 1868. Pine Bluffs was then known as Rock Ranch. The name was changed by railroad officials for the pines on the nearby bluffs. During that time Pine Bluffs consisited of a tent, a slab shack with a stone chimney, and a square shed of canvas-covered poles. These buildings represented a grocery store, bakery and a saloon. Cattle herds moved up the Texas Trail which ran through Pine Bluffs and Pine Bluffs became the largest cattle shipping point on the UP Railroad. Pine Bluffs also became known as the "Frontier Crossroads" due to it being the area where the Cattle Trails crisscrossed. Pine Bluffs continues with the name due to the Union Pacific Railroad, U.S. 30 and I-80 passing thru the town. Before the cowboys and cattle arrived, the area was home to numerous Indian tribes. You can find evidence of this by the many tee-pee rings that are located in the area.

Jobs at Town of Pine Bluffs

There are no jobs listed at this time.

Town of Pine Bluffs
PO Boc 429, Pine Bluffs, WY